Sains Garda Depan
Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Dosen dan Peneliti
Dr. Gunadi merupakan peneliti genetik/genomik molekular dan bedah anak, termasuk genome SARS-CoV-2. Dr Gunadi mempunyai h-index 13 dengan jumlah publikasi 75 artikel bereputasi. Penghargaan: 2020 World Federation of Associations of Paediatric Surgeons Foundation Scholarship, University College London; 2019 DAAD Management of Internationalisation, Hannover; 2018 SAME, Kyoto University; 2017 Tahir Fellowship, Singapore; 2013 Fulbright-DIKTI, Johns Hopkins University; 2017 LIPI Young Scientist Award; 2016 Best Research Award 2-RKSA; 2014 Young Scientist Award-RKSA. Dr Gunadi sebagai Ketua Pokja Genetik/Internasionalisasi FK-KMK UGM aktif menyelenggarakan konferensi untuk meningkatkan jumlah publikasi Indonesia: 2019 International Symposium on Congenital Anomaly and Developmental Biology (BMC Proceedings, Medical Journal of Malaysia, Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences). Dr Gunadi sebagai editor BMC Medical Genomics (SJR Q1; IF 2.57); Archives of Medical Science (SJR Q1; IF 2.807), BMC Medical Genetics (SJR Q2; IF 1.668), Pediatric Surgery International (SJR Q2; IF 1.585); Journal of the Medical Sciences (Sinta 2); reviewer jurnal (106 review verified by Publons), reviewer proposal RISTEK BRIN/LPDP. Dr. Gunadi rutin mendapatkan grant riset RISTEK BRIN, Internasional (Tahir Grant). Dr Gunadi sebagai invited speaker: 2019 Kasturba Hospital, MAHE, India; 2017 Annual Meeting PERBANI; 2017 International Course for Health Sciences Summer Educational Program, Kobe University; 2016 International Conference of InaSHG.
- Gunadi, Wibawa H, Marcellus et al (2020) Full-length genome characterization and phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 virus strains from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. PeerJ, in-press.
- Gunadi, Kalim A, Budi N et al (2020) Aberrant expressions and variant screening of SEMA3D in Indonesian Hirschsprung patients. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8:60.
- Makhmudi A, Supanji R, Putra BP, Gunadi (2020) The effect of APTR, Fn14 and CD133 expressions on liver fibrosis in biliary atresia patients. Pediatric Surgery International, 36:75-79.
- Gunadi, Kalim AS, Liana E et al (2019) Aberrant UBR4 expressions in Hirschsprung disease patients. BMC Pediatrics, 19:493.
- Gunadi, Budi NYP, Kalim AS et al (2019) Aberrant expressions of miRNA-206 target, FN1, in multifactorial Hirschsprung disease. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 14:5.
- World Federation of Associations of Paediatric Surgeons (WOFAPS) Foundation Scholarship, University College London, Greet Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK, 2020
- Identification of SARS-Cov-2 whole genome sequencing in Yogyakarta and Central Java by next-generation sequencing, 2020 (World Class Research, RISTEK/BRIN)
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) DIES (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) “Management of Internationalisation”, Hannover, Germany, 2019
- Mutation analysis of DMD gene in Duchenne and Becker muscular, 2019 (National University of Singapore (NUS)-UGM Tahir Collaboration Seed Grant)
- Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange (SAME), Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Visiting Scientist at Kyoto University Hospital, Japan, 2018
Kedokteran dan Kesehatan
- Genetik dan Genomik Molekuler
- Bedah Anak
- Kelainan Kongenital
- Neurosains
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Gunadi |