Sains Garda Depan

Gita Vita Soraya

Foto Diri

Universitas Hasanuddin

  • Dokter
  • Peneliti

Gita Vita Soraya received her PhD degree from the University of Melbourne (2018) after previously completing her MD degree at the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University (2012). She is currently appointed at the Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, and Head of the Clinical Epidemiology Research Development and Publication Unit. She is also a Resident Physician at the Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine
Hasanuddin University. Her research interests include Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biomarkers, Point-of-Care Medical Diagnostics, Biotechnology, and Clinical Neurology. Her passion in medical diagnostics encompasses discovery of the biomarker, development of the diagnostic device, and clinical implementation of the medical diagnostic tool - from bench to bedside. She also constantly strives to be a better educator in medicine and clinical biochemistry, and is an active lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine’s undergraduate (pre-clinical and clinical), residency, and doctoral program as well as the School of Postgraduate studies Master of Biomedicine Program.

Publikasi Relevan
  • Soraya GV, Abeyrathne CD, Buffet C, Huynh DH, Uddin SM, Chan J, et al. Ultrasensitive and label-free biosensor for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein II in saliva. Scientific reports. 2019.
  • Soraya GV, Ulhaq ZS. Crucial Laboratory Parameters in COVID-19 Diagnosis and Prognosis: An Updated Meta-Analysis. Medicina Clinica. 2020.
  • Faidah N, Soraya GV, Erlichster M, Natzir R, Chana G, Skafidas E, et al. Detection of voluntary dehydration in paediatric populations using noninvasive point-of-care saliva and urine testing. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2020
  • Chan J, Soraya GV, Craig L, Uddin SM, Todaro M, Huynh DH, et al. Rapid Detection of HLA-B* 57:01-Expressing Cells Using a Label-Free Interdigitated Electrode Biosensor Platform for Prevention of Abacavir Hypersensitivity in HIV Treatment. Sensors. 2019;19:3543.
  • Soraya GV, Chan J, Nguyen TC, Huynh DH, Abeyrathne CD, Chana G, et al. An interdigitated electrode biosensor platform for rapid HLA-B*15:02 genotyping for prevention of drug hypersensitivity. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2018.
  • Soraya GV, Nguyen TC, Abeyrathne CD, Huynh DH, Chan J, Nguyen PD, et al. A label-free, quantitative fecal hemoglobin detection platform for colorectal cancer screening. Biosensors. 2017.
Penghargaan / Hibah Relevan
  • (2021) Indonesia Medical Innovation and Research Awards in Health. Lembaga Riset Ikatan Dokter Indonesia and PT Unilever.
  • (2020) Principal Investigator: Research collaboration in sustainability sciences grant. Funded by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS-UNESCO) and The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
  • (2020) Principal Investigator: COVID-19 LAMP based rapid molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2. Funded by the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology (KEMENRISTEK-BRIN) and the Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP)
  • 2020) Co-Investigator: whole genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in Sulawesi. Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology (KEMENRISTEK-BRIN) and the Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP)

Rumpun Kepakaran

Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Medical Diagnostics
  • Biomarkers
  • Neurology

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