Sains dan Kebijakan
Jamaluddin Jompa
Universitas Hasanuddin
- Dekan Sekolah Pascasarjana
Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa, was born on 8th March 1967 in Takalar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. He got his PhD at James Cook University, Australia in 2001. He also graduated from McMaster University, Canada for his master degree in 1996. He is a senior lecturer and formerly serves as Dean of Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University (2013-2017) and now serving as Dean of Graduate School at Hasanuddin University. In the last few years, he also has been involved in various programs of the Indonsian Academy of Science (AIPI); including serving as the President of Indonesian Young Academy of Science (ALMI). From 2004-2013, he served as Director of Research and Development Center for Marine, Coasts, and Small Islands, Unhas. He has published more than 100 journals/books; the majority of them are international publications. In 2007, in addition to his ongoing duties at UnHas, Jamal is also now serving as the scientific advisor to the Minster of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia. Jamal is now the Chairman of Center of Excellent on Marine Resilience and Sustainable Development (MaRSAVE) at Unhas.
- Jompa, J., Umar, W., Yusuf, S., Tassakka, A. C. M. A., Limmon, G. V., Putri, A. P., ... & Moore, A. M. (2020). Genetic patterns of the corals Euphyllia glabrescens and Lobophyllia corymbosa across the Indonesian Archipelago. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(6).
- Bani, A., De Brauwer, M., Creer, S., Dumbrell, A. J., Limmon, G., Jompa, J., ... & Beger, M. (2020). Informing marine spatial planning decisions with environmental DNA. In Advances in Ecological Research (Vol. 62, pp. 375-407). Academic Press.
- Khasanah, M., Nurdin, N., Sadovy de Mitcheson, Y., & Jompa, J. (2020). Management of the Grouper Export Trade in Indonesia. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 28(1), 1-15.
- Seraphim, M. J., Sloman, K. A., Alexander, M. E., Janetski, N., Jompa, J., Ambo‐Rappe, R., ... & Harborne, A. R. (2020). Interactions between coral restoration and fish assemblages: implications for reef management. Journal of fish biology.
- De Brauwer, M., Hobbs, J. P. A., & Jompa, J. (2020). Widespread low abundance despite habitat availability elevates extinction risk in pygmy seahorses. Coral Reefs, 1-6.
- Newton Fund/NERC-UK, DIKTI; Pew Fellowship, Unhas
Ilmu Kelautan & Perikanan
- Marine Biodiversity
- Terumbu Karang
- Ekologi, Biologi, Sistem Sosio-Ekologi
- Manajemen Pesisir
- Adaptasi Terhadap Perubahan Iklim
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Jamaluddin Jompa | |
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